Sunday, November 11, 2018

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 11/12/2018

    • Yet when it came to their bodies, girls said they did not feel equal. About three-quarters of girls 14 to 19 in the survey said they felt judged as a sexual object or unsafe as a girl. By far, they said society considered physical attractiveness to be the most important female trait — a view that adult women share, surveys have found. Girls were also more likely than boys to say they felt a lot of pressure to put others’ feelings before their own.

    • “I call it boys policing each other to be boyish, particularly when showing emotions or wanting to do something considered feminine, like volleyball or ballet. They have the sense that they can’t stray a bit.”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 11/04/2018

  • tags: digital citizenship hate speech bullying cyberbullying diversity

    • Just by playing a game on the internet, looking up a definition, or maybe checking out some music, they'll encounter some of the most vile and offensive words and images that can be expressed in the comments section of a YouTube video, a meme in their feed, or a group chat
    • The intensity of these ideas, the frequency with which kids see them, and the acceptance by so many that it's just part of internet life mean that it's critical to talk to kids about this difficult topic.
    • Are tech companies really that dedicated to free speech, or do they just want more users?
    • But when kids see the horrific race-, religion-, and gender-based attacks committed in the real world by members of online extremist groups, they must wonder why adults can't stop these hate crimes.
    • Ultimately, hate speech is an area where sharing your own family's values -- around compassion and tolerance, appropriate communication, and empathy toward other -- sets a stable path forward for your kids to follow even in unsettled times.
    • How would you feel if you were a member of the group targeted by cruel language?
    • Does it matter if you're exposed to it a lot or a little? Are people with different social statuses -- for example, a popular kid vs. a loner type -- affected differently?
    • What's the difference between hate speech and cyberbullying? If someone is trying to hurt someone, or knows that they're hurting someone, and does it repeatedly, that's cyberbullying. When someone expresses vicious views about a group or toward an attribute of a group, that's hate speech.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 08/10/2018

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 05/02/2018

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 04/11/2018

    • In this day and age, both the QUANTITY and the QUALITY of information has radically changed. This is a critical problem, because our psychological systems and our abilities for cognitive control are being pushed to their limits.
    • Noise today is defined as the combination of three things. First – relentless distraction (another text, another photo, another video…and on and on). Second – data overload (can’t possibly keep up). Third – distorted information (false “facts”, misleading stories, “hype”, deceptive websites, etc.).
    • Choice-Fullness is the power and awareness to choose wisely…to make purposeful choices that create meaning, fulfillment and authentic engagement in our lives…and the lives of those around us.
    • The Center For Innertainment believes that we can USE the entertainment medium in new and unique ways, to increase our expansion of human development and move us toward “high brain” executive functioning and along with it, higher levels of Choice-Fullness.
    • The Innertainment Playbook with its range of toolbox activities, provides Choice-Fullness strategies with an entertainment “twist”, for setting goals, time management, time design, communication, daily elevation and for developing our individual and unique personal story.


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 03/30/2018

    • “We have not found a single case of a school improving its student achievement record in the absence of talented leadership.”
    • students’ mind-sets were twice as powerful in predicting scores as home environment and demographics were.
    • Principals set the culture by their very behavior — the message is the person.
    • Research suggests that it takes five to seven years for a principal to have full impact on a school, but most principals burn out and leave in four years or less. Chicago has one of the highest principal retention rates of any large urban system, 85 percent. Principals are given support, training and independence.
    • successful principals made 20 to 60 spontaneous classroom visits and observations per week.
    • In other words, they are high-energy types constantly circulating through the building, offering feedback, setting standards, applying social glue.
    • successful schools are truly collaborative.
    • When you learn about successful principals, you keep coming back to the character traits they embody and spread: energy, trustworthiness, honesty, optimism, determination.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.