Thursday, April 20, 2017

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 04/21/2017

  • tags: Edutopia student-centered 21st century skills innovation critical thinking problem solving

    • Teachers at the school often say they’re “teaching kids to teach themselves” and rarely answer questions directly; instead they ask students to consider other sources of information first.
    • mixing age groups accelerates learning.
    • “When you get kids collaborating together, they become more resourceful and they see themselves as experts,”
    • Birmingham Covington’s unique bee project, like much of the coursework prioritized at the school, was driven by student interest.
    • “Science literacy is teaching our kids to be curious about the world around them, with the problems they identify,”
    • “Kids need to learn teamwork-based skills because every other class in any other subject that they have—third through eighth grade—requires them to work in different sized groups accomplishing different tasks,” Heckman explains.
    • The school’s voluntary Teacher Labs—facilitated by an instructional coach and organized around a clear, written protocol—enable teachers to reflect on their craft with support from their peers. Through the labs, small groups of teachers observe each other’s classes and then offer constructive feedback around a stated objective.
    • They put these skills to use in Thinkering Studio, an elective class where they design their own independent learning projects, and Engage, a class focused on design thinking—a system of solving problems that follows the steps of inquiry, ideation, prototyping, and testing.
    • In Engage, teachers Roy McCloud and Mathew Brown guide students to work on various self-directed, team-oriented projects like designing a new sport for third graders or building a roller coaster. Their support and feedback direct students toward the right resources while encouraging them to dig deeper: Did students ask the right questions? Did they get the right information? Did they go to other groups for feedback?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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