Monday, July 20, 2015

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/21/2015

  • Alice Keeler describes fair use, copyright violation and gives examples of correct and incorrect ways to cite and use information.

    tags: copyright digital citizenship information_literacy fair use

  • Middle school writing workshops. Videos roughly an hour in length with classroom teachers giving tips on how they instruct writing.

    tags: writing literacy English

  • Links to maker challenges, projects and resources.

    tags: maker maker movement makered electronics STEM STEAM

  • YouTube video explaining a physics concept as applied to sports balls.

    tags: magnus effect physics physical science IPS

  • Lots of information here on organizing a digital portfolio, but it's a bit overwhelming.

    tags: digital portfolio portfolios google

  • How to build teams and lead them toward a goal.

    tags: maker team building admin mission pd professional development

    • A team's potential for greatness depends on many factors, including the emotional intelligence of team members and the organizational conditions in the school or district that houses the team.
    • The most effective schools and organizations have a mission and vision that motivates, unifies, and guides all stakeholders in their day-to-day operations. Short- and long-term goals for the school align to the mission and vision and are regularly reflected on.
    • Team members can identify the component of their mission that they're working toward and maintain a laser-like focus on it.
    • A team that operates within a school should be aligned to that school's vision, mission, goals, and strategic plans. This could be considered vertical alignment of efforts. Teams also need to align horizontally -- what one team does needs to complement another team's work.
      • What piece of our school's vision are we working toward?
      • Which components of our mission are we upholding?
      • Which of our long-term or annual goals are we contributing to?
      • What specifically will this team need to do in order to move our school forward on its vision and goals?
    • Team members need these connections laid out. When the intersections of purpose and work become clear, team members are more likely to feel energized, motivated, and valued.
    • The most important resource for a team is time -- time for the facilitator to prepare as well as time for teams to collaborate. Teams must meet consistently and focus their time on what matters: implementing a work plan, learning together, and building strong relationships with each other.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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