Educator Innovator | Educator Innovator
Ideas on different ways to view making through the lens of the humanities. Projects ideas in here though many would need to be adapted for Chandler.
Maker Education Meets the Writers’ Workshop | User Generated Education
An idea on how to incorporate making into literature or writing.
Remind | Remind101 is now Remind
This is a way to text with a group of students and parents without them being able to text you back or see your phone number.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 08/01/2015
Monday, July 27, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/28/2015
If You're a Teacher, You Can Be a Public Speaker - Education Week Teacher
Practical tips on how to prepare for a PD presentation.
tags: presenting public speaking presentations public_speaking speaker
- Do Your Homework: Research Audience & Space
- Research your audience.
- Ask questions about the setup of the room and the technology provided
Friday, July 24, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/25/2015
.@JillBergeron2 with thoughts on @GrantLichtman's #EdJourney on @teachersguild: https://t.co/enbBXJH9K5 #dare2design #googleEDU #dtk12chat
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/23/2015
SXSWedu 2015 Featured Session: Raised by Siri: A Digital Parenting Course - YouTube
Mr. Hooker takes a very grounded approach to explaining kids' tech use to parents.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/21/2015
Digital Citizenship: Please Do not Publish | Teacher Tech
Alice Keeler describes fair use, copyright violation and gives examples of correct and incorrect ways to cite and use information.
tags: copyright digital citizenship information_literacy fair use
Write in the Middle: Program 1 - Creating a Community of Writers
Middle school writing workshops. Videos roughly an hour in length with classroom teachers giving tips on how they instruct writing.
Links to maker challenges, projects and resources.
Surprising Applications of the Magnus Effect - YouTube
YouTube video explaining a physics concept as applied to sports balls.
K-12 ePortfolios with GoogleApps
Lots of information here on organizing a digital portfolio, but it's a bit overwhelming.
Cultivating Healthy Teams in Schools | Edutopia
How to build teams and lead them toward a goal.
tags: maker team building admin mission pd professional development
- A team's potential for greatness depends on many factors, including the emotional intelligence of team members and the organizational conditions in the school or district that houses the team.
- The most effective schools and organizations have a mission and vision that motivates, unifies, and guides all stakeholders in their day-to-day operations. Short- and long-term goals for the school align to the mission and vision and are regularly reflected on.
- Team members can identify the component of their mission that they're working toward and maintain a laser-like focus on it.
- A team that operates within a school should be aligned to that school's vision, mission, goals, and strategic plans. This could be considered vertical alignment of efforts. Teams also need to align horizontally -- what one team does needs to complement another team's work.
- What piece of our school's vision are we working toward?
- Which components of our mission are we upholding?
- Which of our long-term or annual goals are we contributing to?
- What specifically will this team need to do in order to move our school forward on its vision and goals?
- Team members need these connections laid out. When the intersections of purpose and work become clear, team members are more likely to feel energized, motivated, and valued.
- The most important resource for a team is time -- time for the facilitator to prepare as well as time for teams to collaborate. Teams must meet consistently and focus their time on what matters: implementing a work plan, learning together, and building strong relationships with each other.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/20/2015
8 Characteristics of the “Innovator’s Mindset” | The Principal of Change
8 Characteristics of the Innovator's Mindset http://t.co/KvLHfQHzG7 http://t.co/Gx0QxXUb6g
Interview: Frances Jensen On The Teenage Brain : Shots - Health News : NPR
Fascinating piece on how the teen brain works and why their brains are different from adult brains. http://t.co/Ze3QKl5v8P #edchat #ptchat
Why a Growth Mindset Won't Work... - Finding Common Ground - Education Week
Why the Growth Mindset may not work.... http://t.co/bPh14sG6cP
Create a Background Image or Watermark on a Google “Doc” | Teacher Tech
Create a Background Image or Watermark on a Google "Doc" http://t.co/C18LY4jkxk http://t.co/h5WZlUOmaB
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/19/2015
Albert Einstein - The Quantum Theory - Documentary 2014 - YouTube
The documentary is about Einstein but it really talks about how he developed as a thinker.
tags: einstein documentary thinking character
Study: Smartphones could cripple learning for these students - eCampus News | eCampus News
Students self-reported that their iPhones did not help them to do well in school rather served as a distraction instead of a hand up.
tags: study smartphones iphone distraction mobile technology
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/17/2015
Building Attention Span - The New York Times
Types of intelligence cultivated by online and offline reading.
tags: attention attention span intelligence digital citizenship parent CATIE CATIE
- Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use experience, knowledge and the products of lifelong education that have been stored in long-term memory. It is the ability to make analogies and comparisons about things you have studied before. Crystallized intelligence accumulates over the years and leads ultimately to understanding and wisdom.
- The online world is brand new, but it feels more fun, effortless and natural than the offline world of reading and discussion. It nurtures agility, but there is clear evidence by now that it encourages a fast mental rhythm that undermines the ability to explore narrative, and place people, ideas and events in wider contexts.
Project-Based Learning Google Apps Smash
Resources for PBL
Suggestions for how Google Forms can help out in the primary classroom.
Sylvia Aguiñaga|Interviews|MakeSchools
Making leads you to think of big ideas. It gives you the confidence and drive necessary to tackle big problems. http://t.co/U3pGgfDnlM
Gold Standard PBL: Project Based Teaching Practices | Blog | Project Based Learning | BIE
[READ] Gold Standard Project Based Learning: Project Based Teaching Practices http://t.co/G0fn47THAq
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/15/2015
tags: google classroom google_classroom google googleclassroom
This site offers a unique way to help get teachers into Twitter via texting. Also, there are several other related posts at the bottom of the page.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/14/2015
Making the Most Out of Teacher Collaboration | Edutopia
- Even though I might be overwhelmed with paperwork, planning and preparing, I need to be with other teachers, not by myself.
- Secondly, I would observe as many teachers as possible, and seek out the ones that I would like to emulate, regardless of the academic discipline in which they teach.
- Fourthly, rather than wracking my brain for answers that others have already solved, I would share my frustrations, with these colleagues and get the answers I need quickly so I can go on to other important matters.
- I would have to be prepared.
STEM Curriculum Resources by Dr. Wesley Fryer
Lots of resources here for STEM with a focus on fourth and fifth grade.
Gamify Searching Google Drive | Teacher Tech
tags: Google_Drive google GAFE gamification pd professional development
7 Apps for Student Creators | Edutopia
tags: iPad apps tech tools maker creation creativity
- Students who are "making" to demonstrate their learning can produce content that is shareable and valuable. Their creations can be geared toward a specific audience and viewed outside of the classroom. The sense of purpose that students have as creators can be leveraged to increase engagement and get learners of all ages excited about content.
8 Design Steps for an Academic Makerspace -- THE Journal
Lists 8 things to consider when designing a makerspace for YOUR school. Purpose, People, Curriculum, Equipment, Location, Funding, Set-up, Promotion
tags: makerspace maker maker movement STEAM STEM
- Part of planning will be deciding which tools to support.
- Safety is important, too, so you must also budget for goggles, gloves, aprons, lab coats and a fire extinguisher.
- "Makerspaces are increasingly being looked to as a method for engaging learners in creative, higher-order problem-solving through hands-on design, construction, and iteration," the report noted.
- "Also, an area to display student projects is important," he said. It helps the students develop a sense of pride.
- "Also, unless its purpose is aligned with school culture and values, it will not succeed,"
- You should have both high-tech and low-tech areas, and clean and messy areas, with separate workstations for different types of activities.
- Don't carpet the space because carpet is hard to clean, he said.
- Make sure you include whiteboards so students can work on problems together.
Setup: Jarowski said many people ask if a makerspace is a classroom or a workshop. His answer is that it should be both, or a synthesis of the two. But he said several considerations should go into the physical setup.
- First, make sure it is clear to you and the school why you are building a makerspace: It should be for the promotion of hands-on learning and collaboration,
- You must make decisions about its scope.
- It is important to showcase student projects, prototypes and designs, he said. Keep cameras around to document their efforts and include them in the social media and blog of the school.
- Involve students in every step of the planning,"
- What makes it an academic makerspace rather than an adult space, Jarowski said, is that it motivates children to discover new skills and knowledge.
Three Tools Students Can Use to Create 3D Models Online
This site summarizes how three different tools are used to create 3D models. Tools include: 123D Design, 3DTin, and Tinkercad.
tags: 3dprinting 3D maker
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 07/09/2015
The Best Sites For Walking In Someone Else’s Shoes | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…
RT @Larryferlazzo: New additions to one of my favorite lists: The Best Sites For Walking In Someone Else's Shoes http://t.co/I0kReV7UQu
Top 10 Best Free Math Resources on the Web | Edudemic
Top 10 Best Free Math Resources on the Web | Edudemic congrats to @Yummymath #edchat #mathchat #ccss http://t.co/jDVLeGdtaW