Monday, November 24, 2014

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 11/25/2014

    • "In smaller schools, and in smaller classrooms, you force people to interact, and they are less hierarchical, less cliquish, and less self-segregated.”

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    • "In classrooms with assigned seating, you’re forced to sit next to someone whom you wouldn’t otherwise interact, and that tends to break down the tendency to segregate by background,” McFarland said.
    • Instead, McFarland’s biggest point isn’t about how we ought to organize our schools, but rather
    • But smaller schools, smaller classrooms, and forced interactions between students with different backgrounds make us different than big classes, big schools, and an unfettered freedom to pick friends by the first thing we can see about them
  • tags: bullying bullying prevention cybersafety cyberbullying SEL sexting

  • tags: Web2.0 student response edtech tech tools

  • Three domains mentioned about how to facilitate teacher team meetings.

    tags: facilitation meetings edutopia

    • Note that I'm using the term "facilitator" to mean the person who plans and designs agendas as well as who guides a team through processes outlined on an agenda
    • we know that great attention must be paid to how a meeting is designed.
    • The purpose of the meeting and desired outcomes are articulated and connected to the school's vision, mission, and big goals
    • a variety of structures or protocols to meet the desired outcomes.
    • anticipates the emotional, cognitive and energy needs of the participants
    • planning reflects an awareness of how power dynamics and systemic oppression may manifest in this group and seeks to interrupt these dynamics
    • We want to ensure that all will voices will be heard and will have equal access to decision-making and input.
    • Frame the purpose and desired outcomes for the meeting and review agenda.
    • Articulate the role participants will play in the meeting
      • Name any decision-making points and processes that will be used
      • Identify the structures or activities that will be used in this meeting and how they'll connect to the desired outcomes
    • Articulate expectations for behavior or procedures
    • Determine structures to hold members accountable (self-monitoring and reflection, use of process observer, use of a team process rubric)
    • Use a variety of listening strategies including paraphrasing and active listening
    • Use a variety of questioning strategies to probe thinking and elicit new ideas
    • encourage conflict about ideas verses interpersonal or inter-team conflict)
    • Use data gathered in the moment to modify and inform facilitation
    • Protect time for reflection and feedback within the established time
    • Hold team members accountable to agreements, goals, structures, and protocols
    • use various strategies to help a group a recover from a breakdown
    • Read the group's emotional and energetic state and adjust accordingly
    • Hold the expectation that members will learn, think creatively, and push each others' thinking
    • Show up as a grounded, calm presence that believes in the capacity of team members
    • Identify an app or tool that will transcribe speaking into text. Some options for this include PaperPortNotes, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Dictation Pro, VoiceTranslator, or a text-to-speech tool that is built into many smartphones. Try one of these to your phone, tablet, or computer.
  • tags: teacher teams edutopia coaching facilitation

    • It can be very, very, painfully slow to build trust in a group of adults -- but it can be done, and you as the facilitator have to believe it can be done.
    • Trust grows in tiny little ways when people are open and authentic, when they ask real questions and listen to each other, when they share their stories and others hold space for those stories, and when they do things together and those things go well. So create space for speaking and listening, ensure that everyone is participating, and then give them something to do.
    • When we do things together that are new and challenging (but within our zone of proximal development), our brains actually produce hormones that make us feel good and feel closer to each other.
    • As a facilitator, it's our job to clarify purpose and raise it, integrate it, and reference it all the time.
    • Purpose needs to be connected to a school's mission, vision, and goals. When there isn't alignment and correlation, again, we can get lost.
    • even if we trust and like each other, we need to know why we're there.
    • while you can have a lot of power in a team, you may not have had the skill development to do so.
    • And then it happened! They opened up and started sharing their fears and concerns, they asked meaningful questions, and they started learning together

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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