Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Educational Resources & Tech Tools 12/11/2019

    • Whoever you're giving feedback to, make it specific, make it actionable. That shows you care about helping someone evolve and helping them level up.
    • Venting is useful for a small period of time, if you're doing it to someone you trust.
    • If you're feeling a really strong emotion, you sometimes just need to calm down because you're not in a rational state [to] figure out what you want to do next. [Venting] becomes negative and actually detrimental to your own success when it turns into rumination, which is just venting to vent.
    • What other ways do you recommend working with a coworker that kind of just rubs you the wrong way?

      Mollie West Duffy: One of them is to remember that they might have something going on you don't know about.

    • As much as you can, limit exposure to this person. Put a bubble around yourself.
    • When you're so invested in your job, that's when a co-worker that maybe drives you a little batty becomes this huge problem because work is everything to you. Just taking the time to invest in non-work things can be a really valuable way to come back to the office the next day with a little more distance.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.