What Can Tech Coaches Learn From the Marketing Masters? | always learning
- Case study after case study describe a common pattern inside schools: A handful of “early adopters” embrace innovative uses of new technology, while their colleagues make incremental or no changes to what they already do.
- We know that we have all of the consumer segments in our schools – from visionaries to pragmatists – and we know that we are responsible for supporting all of them. Some teachers are already ready – they’re innovators or early adopters – and all we need to do is show them the tools or inspire them with an idea and they’re off and running
#CoolChromeExtensions: Manage Your Open Tabs with Tabr
Use this extension to see which tabs you have open. It decreases the amount of RAM your computer has to use and allows it to function more effectively.
The free courses offered by +Acumen help adults learn how to make social change happen.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/30/2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/28/2016
tags: designthinking design thinking libraries library design
tags: pbl project based learning projects projectbasedlearning
HTML color codes
tags: html font color
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/27/2016
The Value of Guided Projects in Makerspaces | Renovated Learning
11 Powerful Google Sheets Add-ons for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
Tools to use on sheets, from rubrics to self-grading quiz add-ons.
tags: Addons Add-ons Googlesheets google sheets spreadsheets gafe google Google Drive
Friday, January 22, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/20/2016
50 End of School Year, Self-Probing Questions for Educators | Getting Smart
Questions to ask your students and yourself as you wrap up the school year.
tags: new teacher reflection end of year
Friday, January 15, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/16/2016
Epic Effective Classroom Decoration and Design Resources @coolcatteacher
tags: design classroom classroom design
Recognizing and Overcoming False Growth Mindset | Edutopia
This article describes what constitutes a growth mindset and what contributes to a false growth mindset. Dweck also offers advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of a false growth mindset.
tags: growth mindset mindset Edutopia dweck
- A growth mindset is the belief that you can develop your talents and abilities through hard work, good strategies, and help from others. It stands in opposition to a fixed mindset, which is the belief that talents and abilities are unalterable traits, ones that can never be improved.
- We typically teach students a growth mindset through online programs that demonstrate how the brain changes with learning (how the neurons grow stronger connections when students work on hard things and stick with them) and how to apply this to their schoolwork.
- "Great effort" became the consolation prize for children who weren't learning. So the very students who most needed to learn about developing their abilities were instead receiving praise for their ineffective effort.
- Teachers need to tell the truth. They can acknowledge laudable effort, but they also need to acknowledge when students are not learning effectively, and then work with them to find new learning strategies. (By the way, exhorting students to try hard is another ineffective practice that does not teach a growth mindset.)
- Skilled educators set high standards for students but then help them understand how to embark on the path to meeting those standards. It's not a hollow promise.
- Meaningful work
- Honest and helpful feedback
- Advice on future learning strategies
- Opportunities to revise their work and show their learning
In the safety of these classrooms, students can begin to leave behind their fixed mindset and try out the idea that they can develop their abilities. We see this happening when teachers give students:
- In order to work toward more of a growth mindset, we need to observe ourselves and find our triggers. Just spend several weeks noticing when you enter a more threatened, defensive state. Don't judge yourself. Don't fight it. Just observe. Then, as Susan Mackie advises, give your fixed mindset persona a name. Talk to it, calling it by name, when it shows up. Over time, try to recruit it to collaborate on your challenging goals instead of letting it undermine you with doubts and fears.
Free Inspirational Movie Clips for Teaching
Large archive of movie clips organized by theme and title.
tags: movieclips video fair use
A Collection of Project Based Learning End Products — Learning in Hand
Finished projects as a result of PBL methods. Sorted by grade level.
tags: project based learning pbl project
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/15/2016
Readlang - Read, translate and supercharge your vocabulary
Highlight words and phrases, get the translations and then make flashcards based on those translations.
16 Things Teachers Should Try in 2016 | Shake Up Learning
Scroll past the infographic to see explanations of each item.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/14/2016
This is the coding curriculum used by the Class of 2018.
tags: coding scratch programming computing
Teaching with App Inventor | Explore MIT App Inventor
tags: coding programming app inventor
App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps
tags: app inventor programming coding
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/13/2016
Edtech Conferences You Need To Know | EdSurge News
Edtech conferences organized by time of year.
tags: conferences edtech
What research says about technology integration
tags: research technology literacy tech integration
- Technology is tempting to embed in the classroom en masse. It piques kids’ interests and it is fun to explore. But does it lead to achievement and help students grow as learners? We need to ask ourselves these types of questions if we want to realize the impact that connected education can have on students
- When words are on a screen, we tend to not stick with content as long as we might when compared to paper.
- Reasons include more distractions on a screen, such as multimedia enhancements and advertisements, and the “difficulty to see any one passage in the context of the entire text” (Jabr, 2013). These factors can lead to decreased comprehension and understanding.
- dedicated e-readers with e-ink technology are equivalent to print, as far as the mind is concerned. “
- So should reading on tablets and laptops be avoided in classrooms? Not if a digital reading experience offers options for learners who need more support.
- social media isn’t just for the kids. Educators can leverage these connections to their advantage.
- In a recent study, teenagers originally from Mexico living in the US saw improvement in acquiring English skills through interacting within Facebook communities (Stewart, 2014). These adolescents also felt more supported and connected when they were able to communicate with others using their native language.
- Sherry Turkle, a scientist from MIT, found that empathy can be reduced by up to 40% in college students when they prioritize online relationships over in person conversations (Turkle, 2015).
- What we allow at school needs to be balanced with an awareness of the often unrestricted access students have at home and the community.
- Integrating digital devices into the classroom tends to accentuate current instruction but does not improve poor practice (Toyoma, 2015)
- college students who do not use a digital device during class show better understanding of the content taught compared to students who did (Shirkey, 2014)
- In fact, the mere presence of a laptop or tablet was distracting to those around the student using technology.
- Keep it simple. If the digital devices lack a natural point for integration, don’t shoehorn it in for the sake of making instruction “connected.” Pedagogy trumps technology.
Use technology.
Not too much, at home and school.
Mostly for learning.
Building your PLN | Edublogs Teacher Challenges
This post provides tools and ideas for how to build a personal learning network.
tags: pln personal learning network
Three Technologies Every School Leader Needs – Reading By Example
Three technologies: one for keeping track of personal belongings, one for being an engaged observer and notetaker, one for blogging.
tags: technologies tech tools
6 Tips for Getting Started with Google Classroom [infographic] | Shake Up Learning
tags: googleclassroom Google classroom google_classroom google chrome
Monday, January 11, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/12/2016
The Best Educational Chrome Extensions for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
These Chrome extensions are sorted by subject area and by technology application.
tags: chrome extensions math social studies English Spanish science tech tools tech integration
Friday, January 8, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/09/2016
Descriptions and images of makerspaces from around the country.
tags: makerspace maker movement
tags: learning education parenting happiness
For my elementary-school-age children, I care more about whether or not they love going to school than I do about their academic progress. I am clever enough to know that if they are enjoying themselves at school, they will learn. Academics follow naturally if the proper environment for learning is there.
When the learning environment becomes very serious and relies heavily on assessment and grades, learning targets and goals, it is not as enjoyable. It is “work,” and children don’t enjoy work. It’s not in their nature to enjoy work; children are created to learn through play.
- What defines “play?” Any activity that engages the imagination and creativity, two skills that lead to innovation and problem solving when practiced often enough.
The Difference Between Doing Projects Versus Learning Through Projects
Projects v. PBL
[FREE DOWNLOAD] The only you'll need for your mak
[FREE DOWNLOAD] The only #rubric you'll need for your maker class: https://t.co/SjNYapX6tv. #makered https://t.co/A9WEIjEszR
Friday, January 1, 2016
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 01/02/2016
Design Thinking in Schools K12 Directory
tags: design thinking design critical thinking problem based learning maker maker movement makered
Don’t be fooled by the title, this channel offers more than just science! Here you will find creative animated videos on science, news, and history!
tags: youtube science educational videos videos history social studies
A resource full of practical ideas for teachers with user-friendly tutorials.
tags: youtube edtech tech tools tutorials
YouTube tutorials on how to use Google Chrome in new ways.
Google for Education - YouTube
Tutorial videos on Google Apps for Education, including Google Classroom.
tags: gafe Google_Drive google youtube tutorial
CodeCombat - Learn how to code by playing a game
Collaborative coding with typed code rather than block-based code.
tags: code coding differentiation
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Career Advice, Jobs
News related to college life.
tags: higher ed higher education college