Apps That Rise to the Top: Tested and Approved By Teachers | MindShift | KQED News
Some diverse tech tools sorted by subject and skill.
Tinkering & Making | Learning Is Open
Article describes what making and tinkering look like and gives an example of a making project.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/30/2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/29/2015
Tips for parents about preventing and dealing with cyberbullying.
tags: cyberbullying
tags: GoogleClassroom GAFE howto
How to Create a Jeopardy-style Game in Google Spreadsheets
This post has a video with directions on how to set up this game.
tags: games google docs jeopardy spreadsheets game_based_learning google GAFE
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/28/2015
Guide: Using the SAMR Model to Guide Learning | That #EdTech Guy's Blog
Examples in here of what an assignment would look like at each stage in the SAMR Model for tech integration.
tags: SAMR technology integration
Enhancement (Substitution and Augmentation) – technology is used just to enhance a task
– Transformation (Modification and Redefinition) – tasks are designed in a way which would not be possible without the use of technology
The Importance of Low-Stakes Student Feedback | ASSESSMENT | MindShift | KQED News
tags: assessment feedback formative assessment digital portfolio
- “If a course lacks formative feedback, that’s often a strong drawback,” Bull said
Lots of great templates in here to use for Google Slides! To access the templates, click on a template and then hit "Use this presentation template". Once it opens in Google Slides, go to File and click on "Make a Copy".
tags: templates Google*Presentations googleslides google_slides presentation google presentations slides
5 Research-Based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback | Edutopia
tags: edutopia feedback research new teacher assessment learning
Google Tools for Special Needs - Google Docs
tags: differentiation tech tools SPED special needs learning comprehension google GAFE specialed
Pittsburgh Children's Museum Makerspace. The blog has lots of resources to inspire creativity.
tags: maker pd maker movement makerspace STEAM STEM
View Chandler's solar output.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/26/2015
Maker ideas for K-5 classrooms.
tags: maker maker movement STEAM STEM
Friday, October 23, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/24/2015
Digital Walks - Learn with John Eick
tags: pd professional development gafe google forms forms evaluation
Example of a leadership board.
Badge List - Digital credentials for organizations
tags: badges gamification
Training for social emotional learning.
Mindful Schools: Training the World's Educators in Mindfulness
tags: mindfulness meditation SEL
Copy of Gamification & GBL- An Overview.pdf - Google Drive
PD presentation on gameification and game based learning.
What Is the Smithsonian Learning Lab? | Smithsonian Learning Lab
Coming in Fall 2015, Smithsonian quests with games and badges.
tags: games game_based_learning
Teaching Resources - Coding 101: How to Introduce Coding to Your School
Coding resources.
tags: coding programming
Copy of Gamification & GBL- An Overview.pdf - Google Drive
Gamification and game based learning PD presentation.
Simulations-games-interactives for teachers of US history.
tags: games game_based_learning history socialstudies interactive simulation
Games | Center for Game Science
Games that focus on the STEM subjects.
tags: games game_based_learning science
Friday, October 16, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/17/2015
Newsela | Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events
Current Events news that can be read at different lexile levels.
tags: current events literacy nonfiction news differentiation social studies English
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/16/2015
Nonfiction news stories about young children or topics that children can relate to. Differentiated reading levels and vocab and comprehension questions.
tags: nonfiction differentiation literacy English current events social studies
Take PPTs and make them into interactive presentations with questions embedded in them. Helps with formative assessment.
tags: tech tools presentation google slides formative assessment interactive differentiation
These tools integrate with Google slides and other presentation tools.
"COMMONLIT is a collection of poems, short stories, news articles, historical documents, and literature for classrooms." Discussion questions are limited, but it's a good starting point. Could be really useful if it continues to be built out.
tags: literature leveled reading literacy interdisciplinary differentiation English nonfiction
Friday, October 9, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/10/2015
Science games, interactives, animations, lessons and more! Integrates with Google Classroom. Need to sign up.
tags: science life science IPS earth science games game_based_learning
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/09/2015
Labs for science classes with games, videos and lessons. Well reviewed on Graphite.
tags: science pbs interactive earth science life science IPS
Timelapse: Photosynthesis Seen From Space | California Academy of Sciences
Lab from CA Academy of Science. Video is accompanied by lesson materials.
tags: science life science
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/08/2015
The How (and Why) It’s Time to Create Digital Student Portfolios
tags: portfolios eportfolios digital portfolio assessment differentiation
- We MUST Archive Student Work
Digital Portfolios Pull Double Duty | Edutopia
- Requiring students to compile their work also reinforces Martin's lesson plans, prompts self-reflection, and fosters peer collaboration. Although it's possible to do all this on paper, Martin prefers digital media, which not only help students develop computer skills but also allow them to easily share their work with peers, mentors, admissions officers, and potential employers.
- Showcase portfolios, such as those produced by Martin's students, display their best work to demonstrate the achievement of specific goals or educational outcomes. Learning portfolios, on the other hand, can comprise a student's entire body of work and document learning over time.
- Learning portfolios emphasize the process, whereas showcase portfolios emphasize the end results.
5 Resources for Parent-Teacher Conferences | Edutopia
tags: parent-teacher conferences parents conferences new teacher
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/07/2015
Revolution, Responsibility, and Football: Teaching Financial Literacy to Middle Schoolers | Edutopia
Three games to teach financial literacy.
Resources for Assessment in Project-Based Learning | Edutopia
10 Ready-to-Borrow Project Ideas | Edutopia
tags: pbl project based learning
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/05/2015
Free Resources and Tools for Replicating Project-Based Learning | Edutopia
Teacher Tools for the Critical Skills Classroom
Highly adaptable forms for scaffolding PBL and assessing it. These are vague on purpose so that teachers can customize them, but they are a good starting place for teachers new to PBL.
tags: PBL forms project based learning scaffolding teacher tools
A World of Project Ideas (You Can Steal) | Edutopia
PBL prompts to modify for your classes.
How does PBL support Differentiated Instruction? | Blog | Project Based Learning | BIE
"How does PBL support Differentiated Instruction?"
tags: differentiation differentiated instruction PBL Buck Institute
5 Good Tools to Differentiate Instruction | Opening Paths
"5 Good Tools to Differentiate Instruction"- low tech tools
A Teacher's Guide to Differentiating Instruction | Education.com
tags: differentiation Differentiated Instruction Teaching assessment
- Taking stock of student knowledge and understanding is a key first component of successful differentiation.
- An initial skills assessment can be conducted at the beginning of the school year, but teachers also should gauge student knowledge and needs before introducing a new concept, starting a new unit, or when developing lessons to review or expand on topics already covered.
- But skills assessments also can be informal.
Individualized vs. Differentiated Instruction | Teaching Techniques - Understood
"Individualized Instruction vs. Differentiated Instruction"
Enhancing Learning Through Differentiated Technology | Edutopia
Differentiation Tools for writing, literacy, and flipped teaching.
tags: differentiated instruction differentiation writing literacy flipped flip teaching
Teach21 Project Based Learning
This is West Virginia's database of resources for PBL. Lessons can be sorted by grade-level and subject.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Friday, October 2, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 10/03/2015
These four lessons come from Trash for Teaching and have students use ziplines and car design to understand forces and motion.