The Best and Worst Fonts to Use on Your Résumé - Bloomberg Business
Why Coding Is Your Child’s Key to Unlocking the Future - WSJ
- “What’s fascinating about computer science is that it requires analytical skills, problem solving and creativity, while also being both foundational and vocational,” says Hadi Partovi, co-founder of Code.org
- Not every child who learns to write will become a novelist, nor everyone who learns algebra a mathematician, yet we treat both as foundational skills that all children should learn. Coding is the same
- Understanding that in the future no profession is untouched by machines means admitting that coding is part of the liberal arts, and therefore a core skill every child must possess.
- Everyone I interviewed observed that the best way to reach young children was to get them to create games, or to treat learning exercises as a form of play.
10 Topics for School Blog Posts
Suggestions for themes you can use to maintain a school blog.
A School Designed To Let Kids Be Kids
This is a TED Talk about an innovative Kindergarten in Japan.
Gamification: Engaging Students With Narrative | Edutopia
This idea of applying gaming mechanics to non-game situations is known as gamification.
<!--break-->What defines a game is having a goal or objective
- What we learn from games is that adding narrative, storyline, a theme, or fun graphics to our lessons and activities can help students be more engaged.
- When I used the game Angry Birds to teach my students about x intercepts in math, not one student asked me, "Why do we need to learn this?"
- This model of creating playsheets out of worksheets can be applied digitally or non-digitally. While students are working on math problems, play video game-style music in the background.
DIY Professional Development: Resource Roundup | Edutopia
Lots of articles in here on how to engage in PD when you don't have time for a conference.
8 Podcasts for Learning | Edutopia
Podcasts that will grip you and your students.
This article gives a good description of the tool Project Writer. Teachers can assign collaborative projects and also provide required vocab that must be included in the project.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 05/01/2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 04/29/2015
CCPensieve - CAFE Conferring Pensieve
This allows you to track student progress and share the information with others.
tags: big 5 student feedback
Monday, April 27, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 04/25/2015
Fun, Free Video Editing and Remixing with Popcorn Maker - #AppyHour - YouTube
@JillBergeron2 @auggie21 Here's the #appyhour video on @mozilla Popcorn Maker that I loved: https://t.co/rsXqiDVNAi #edtech
EdTechnocation: 4 GINORMOUS Google Classroom Updates! (April 21, 2015)
Now you can add a co-teacher, work ahead and save assignments as drafts, assign grades without returning the assignment and have private comments emailed directly to students!
tags: google classroom gafe google
5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools | Edutopia
tags: assessment formative assessment tech tools differentiation Edutopia
16 Websites and Apps for Making Videos and Animation | graphite Blog
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 04/22/2015
Supporting the Teacher Maker Movement | Edutopia
How to support teachers as makers, specifically where to begin.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 04/18/2015
Essentials for running an edcamp.
tags: edcampKC edcamp unconference professional development pd
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Educational Resources & Tech Tools 04/03/2015
Why Don’t Makers Have Higher Social Status? | TechCrunch
The article asks its readers to think about making in a new light, that of creativity rather than risk.
tags: maker maker movement social status
- Our society remains deeply biased against careers that involve any sort of risk. Economic anxiety caused by rapid change has encouraged more conservatism when it comes to careers, at precisely the time when we should be most innovative.
- But while we have made the tools more accessible, we haven’t made the careers easier to build. Nearly all creative markets are what labor economists call tournament models, where the chance of winning is small, but the winnings are huge if you can reach the pinnacle of the profession.
- First, we need to cultivate more role models that show how to be a maker and that such a career is entirely possible and potentially even profitable.
- Second, and most importantly, we need to address the risk of these professions head on.
- But we have yet to build mechanisms to de-risk these careers over time. How can we create more market resilience for creativity?
- Society isn’t about to change its approach to risk, but we can change both the perception and actual risk of taking on a creative profession.
Why Don’t Makers Have Higher Social Status? | TechCrunch
tags: maker maker movement social status
- The creative economy is supposedly taking over, and we are commanded by pundits to nurture our children’s creative talents so that we can help them race against automation in the labor markets. Then we look at American high schools, and find a focus on anything but making. Shop classes, art studios, electronics labs, and student newspapers are disappearing, and higher-level computer science is no longer offered in the Advanced Placement curriculum.
- When there is space for creativity in school curriculums, teachers and administrators are positive and supportive, but that support seems to completely wither away when a student suddenly desires to do what they love as their job.